Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Weeks 8, 9, and 10

Sorry for the lack of updates, I was preparing for the VEX Worlds Championship, which took up a lot of my time.

I did, however, finish all my testing and analysis. For my last modification, I decided to do something that would completely destroy my quadcopter, because, why the heck not.

I wanted to create a more aerodynamic body for the quad, so I melted through the center of all four of the arms.

This meant that the air would not push down on the body, but instead pass throughout.

Unfortunately, the heat somewhat disfigured the arm and the quad became a lot more unstable, it doesn't event fly up straight anymore. However, I did all my testing, and got the result of 1.198 seconds for the time it took, a trial is down below. I believe the reason it had the opposite effect is because some of the energy was used in the horizontal motion instead of the vertical.

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